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The Jeff Senn Model One has been one of our biggest custom shop hits last year, and has now gained the seal of approval from Vintage Guitar magazine. The Model One has been designed by Jeff Senn in Nashville, and is...
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As some of you may be aware, we also have an European HQ, based in Liverpool, England. Continuing our "Meet the Dealers" series, we'll talk about two great shops we visited during our latest trip to London, when we also...
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To mark the release of the new Bill Nelson Astroluxe Cadet, which has been fully funded and is arriving this Summer, we had a chat with Bill Nelson, a guitar hero like no other. Bill Nelson is a true guitar hero,...
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To us, Bill Nelson is much more than a guitar legend - he's a friend and a collaborator. Here's a look at all of our Bill Nelson projects (old & new!) plus a look at some of his Eastwood guitars......
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Backlund guitars are new classics - iconic, "retro futuristic" designs that hark back to another era, but also hint at the future. We had a chat with John Backlund, the creator of our Model 400 and other great guitars...