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McCabe's Guitar Shop in Santa Monica, CA, are our newest American dealers. Another great place where customers in the West Coast can check out our guitars! McCabe's is not just a guitar shop, but also a concert venue, and they've been in...
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To mark our new Custom Shop collaboration with Jeff Senn, The Continental, we talked to the celebrated guitar designer, who's also responsible for one of our biggest hits from the past 12 months, the Jeff Senn Model One. (Jeff Senn pic by Eric...
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Our first ever collaboration with master luthier Dennis Fano, the Rivolta Combinata, has finally hit the shops and the rave reviews have started to come, including from the prestigious Premier Guitar magazine... Dennis Fano is a name who needs no...
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The Lighthouse and the Whaler are a band from Cleveland, Ohio, who've been using an Eastwood Mandocaster as part of their sound for many years now - and 2017 marks the band's fifth South By Southwest appearance! Time to learn...
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With South By Southwest just around the corner (March 13 – 19, 2017) we'll run a preview of bands who use our gear and who're heading to SXSW this year. Today, we chat to Sun And The Wolf. The South...
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